Cessna 150-152 Club Store
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In addition to the items listed above, we have partnered with Sporty’s to sell Cessna 150-152 Club logo embroidered merchandise. From caps and shirts, to jackets and flight bags, if your selection in the Sporty’s Pilot Shop or Sporty’s Wright Bros. catalogs can be embroidered, select the Cessna 150-152 Club option on the drop down menu. You get some neat stuff, our logo spreads the word, and we get 10%. Everybody wins.

The Cessna 150 and 152 Belly Drain
MT-101 & MT-101-1 Belly Drains are now available from Saf-Air Products.
Saf-Air has been making fuel and oil drain valves since 1959. Your airplane probably has Saf-Air valves on it right now. Saf-Air always made the valve used on the Belly Drain, and now they are making, and selling, the complete product.
Production has begun, and you can now buy an MT-101-1 for your Cessna 150E or earlier, or an MT-101 for your Cessna 150 , A150, and 152 series airplanes starting with model 150F S/N 15031533 and subsequent.
The Belly Drain is not on their website yet, they’re working on that, but if you want one just go to their website at https://www.saf-air.com/, scroll down to the bottom of the Home page and send them a message.

Owning, Buying or Flying the Cessna 150/152
By Mike Arman

Available at: cessna150book.com
Are you training in a Cessna 150 or 152? Are you thinking about buying a Cessna 150 or 152? Do you currently own a Cessna 150 or 152? This is the book you must have. Everything you need to know, everything you want to know (and probably a few things you’d rather not know) now in one place, in one book, written by C-150 guru Mike Arman, who has owned a Cessna 150 since 1982, and is on a first name basis with every nut, bolt and rivet on the airplane. What is “morning sickness” on an O-200 Continental engine? (And how much does it cost to fix?) How can I improve the performance of my 150? What’s involved in painting a 150? How fast does it really go? Where can I buy parts and still have money left over for food? How much difference is there between a 150 and a 152? Is there an owner’s club? (Yes.) How do I find them? (See below.) What AD notes apply to the Cessna 150 and 152? What’s an Aerobat? What’s a 150/150? More: Autogas? Seat tracks? Tail skid? Belly drain? Long range tanks? Nosewheel shimmy? Flap track wear? McCauley wheels? Replacement cylinders? Upholstery? Exterior plastic? Flap and gap kits? STOL kits? Vortex generators? What’s a Form 337 and what can it hide? What can I do myself? And plenty more . . .
Mike Arman has been a licensed pilot since 1978, and is also an FAA licensed Advanced Ground School Instructor (AGI). In addition to his own 150, which he bought in 1982. He has been a publisher of technical books for almost 30 years, with sales worldwide.
“Owning, Buying or Flying the Cessna 150/152″ is 96 pages, 8 1/2” by 11 inches, softcover. Copyright 2004

Although we no longer sell them, the Cessna 150-152 Club recommends:
Steve’s Gascolators
Blue Sky Door Latch

The Cessna 150-152 Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Donations are accepted, appreciated, and fully tax deductible.
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