Ed Figuli
Aircraft of the Quarter, 1st Quarter 2019

In the first Quarter of 2019, we presented “Woodstock” as our 1st Airplane of the Quarter. Woodstock is a 1972 150L Texas Taildragger owned and flown by Ed Figuli of Perkasie, PA. (CKZ). This airplane is not your standard Cessna 150. Not only is the nosewheel in the back, there’s a 150 HP Lycoming IO-360-E2D up front. This is a unique airplane in both appearance and performance, and perhaps the most recognizable airplane in the Club. From a distance, you can’t help but notice the bright yellow paint color. As you get closer you notice that the paint scheme is an unusual retro combination of pre-World War II military trainer, golden age air racing, and whimsy. Oh, and then there’s the Federation Aeronautique Internationale certification painted on the left side. You see, Woodstock holds not one, but two World Speed Records. There’s more information about Woodstock, and his owner, Ed Fugili, in the Spring 2019 edition of The Beacon.
N5353Q is a 1972 Cessna 150L S/N 15073253