Jim & Cindy Hillabrand
Aircraft of the Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 2019

In the 2nd Quarter of 2019, we did something a little different. We picked TWO Aircraft of the Quarter. We went to Rogers, Arkansas and found Sierra and Mighty Mouse and their owners Jim & Cindy Hillabrand.
Sierra is a 152. She has a Lycoming 0-235 with the Sparrowhawk mod. Inside, the panel was converted over to metal panels and circuit breakers, with a full Garmin compliment surrounding a GNS 530, S-TEC autopilot and an L3 Skywatch 497 with active traffic.
Mighty Mouse is a 150M. He is powered by a 150 hp Lycoming 0-320 E2D. In the new metal panel, an Aspen 1000 Pro with synthetic vision, a Lynx 9000+, S-TEC autopilot, and an EDM 900 to monitor that big motor. Additionally, there’s a whole bunch of Garmin in there too. A GNS 530, GTR 225, a 660, and a G5.
And since Jim Hillabrand is the Cessna 150-152 King of Bling, both airplanes are polished with plenty of shiny accessories. Sierra and Mighty Mouse are in the Summer 2019 edition of The Beacon.
N1031S “Sierra” is a 1977 Cessna 152 S/N 15279996
N2259M “Mighty Mouse” is a 1975 Cessna 150M S/N 15077090