Wayne & Holly Woldt
Aircraft of the Quarter, 4th Quarter, 2021

Our Summer 2021 Airplane of the Quarter was a unique airplane, or perhaps the plural expression “airplanes” is more appropriate. Originally manufactured as a 1973 150L, this bird was developed by Cessna into the first C-152 II, and then further modified into the first A-152. The current caretakers, Wayne and Holly, were intrigued by the idea of curating a 152 Aerobat and were fortunate to locate this prize at just the right time in their lives. Wayne has taken a great interest in the Aerobat and has been seeking to maintain the aircraft, while keeping the idea of historical curation and safety in mind. N7187C finds most of its flying taking place around Eastern Nebraska with occasional longer flights, offering opportunities to spread its wings. Wayne is always on the hunt for memorabilia, and other mementos that are associated with the 1978 Cessna 152 and is looking forward to the 50th anniversary celebration of the Cessna 152 during an upcoming AirVenture.
N7187C is a 1978 Cessna A-152 S/N 681.