Welcome to the free side of the Cessna 150-152 Club website.
If you’re new to the Cessna 150, or in the market for an airplane and want to get a feel for the costs and capabilities of the Cessna 150 or 152, it’s right here
The first three pages of General Information offer a short history of the Cessna 150, a brief overview of the 27 different models of the Cessna 150/152, and a summary of the cost of ownership.
You want an airplane that can fly cross country, and you’re not sure the Cessna 150 can do that? Well, in fact the Cessna 150 and 152 can do that. A few of our members have done it, and have written about their adventures. Check it out under CESSNA 150 STORIES.
What’s available? Some of our members have aircraft for sale. They’re listed under CLASSIFIEDS.
We are not the only resource available to owners and pilots. There’s a lot of information and several pilot and owner groups on the World Wide Web. We have provided a few LINKS to our favorites.
Need some Club swag. Oh yeah, we’ve got that. Come on in and shop at THE STORE.
Want to discuss something with us? Click on CONTACT US.
We hope you enjoy the free side of our website. Members get a lot more information on the care and feeding of their Cessna 150s and 152s over on the MEMBERS ONLY side.