AD 81-05-01 Fuel Tank Capacity
March 2, 1981
This AD applies to all 1980 and a few ’81 152s, and A152s.
Using the Fuel Tank Cover to identify the fuel tank capacity. Then check the placard on the cover, the placard on the Fuel Selector Valve, and the markings on the Fuel Gauges to ensure they reflect the correct tank capacity. If they do, you’re done. If they don’t, fix it.
81-05-01 CESSNA: Amendment 39-4049. Applies to Model 152, A152, 172N, 172P, R172K and 172RG airplanes certificated in all categories with the following serial numbers:
Model | Serial Numbers |
152 | 15283592 thru 15284627 |
A152 | A1520879 thru A1520952 |
172N | 17272885 thru 17274009 |
172P | 17274010 thru 17274357 |
R172K | R1723200 thru R1723403 |
172RG | 172RG0001 thru 172RG0698 |
COMPLIANCE: Required as indicated unless already accomplished.
To reduce the possibility of fuel depletion due to incorrect fuel quantity markings within the next 25 hours time-in-service after the effective date of the AD, accomplish the following:
A) Visually inspect the airplane fuel tank access cover using Figure 1 to identify the fuel tank capacity.
B) When the actual fuel tank capacity has been determined:
1) Visually inspect the placarding adjacent to the fuel filler openings, to verify that these markings agree with the actual fuel tank capacity; and
2) Visually inspect the placarding adjacent to the fuel tank selector valve, and fuel gauge markings to verify that these markings agree with the usable fuel for the fuel tanks installed.
C) Paragraph A and B of this AD may be accomplished by the holder of at least a private pilot certificate issued under Part 61 of the Federal Aviation Regulations on any airplane owned or operated by that person provided the airplane is not used in air carrier service. An entry must be made in the Aircraft Maintenance Records indicating compliance with this AD.
D) Replace any incorrect fuel gauges, fuel tank selector valve placards and/or fuel tank filler placards with those compatible with the fuel tank capacity.
E) Within forty-eight (48) hours after compliance with this AD notify, in writing, the Chief, Aircraft Certification Program, Federal Aviation Administration, Room 238, Terminal Building No. 2299, Mid-Continent Airport, Wichita, Kansas 67209 of any incorrect fuel gauges, fuel tank selector valve placards and/or fuel tank filler placards found during AD compliance. One acceptable means of making these reports is Malfunction or Defect Reports (FAA Form 8010). (Reporting approved by the Office of Management and Budget under 0MB No. 04- R0174.)
F) The airplane may be flown in accordance with FAR 21.197 to a location where paragraph D) of this AD may be accomplished.
G) Any equivalent method of compliance with this AD must be approved by the Chief, Aircraft Certification Program, FAA, Room 238, Mid-Continent Airport, Terminal Building No. 2299, Wichita, Kansas 67209; telephone (316) 942-4285.
This amendment becomes effective on March 2, 1981.