The Cessna 150-152 Fly-In Foundation
The Cessna 150-152 Club has been the go-to place for information about the care and operation of the World’s Most Popular Two-Place Airplane since its inception in 1980.
The Cessna 150-15 Fly-In has grown from a simple gathering of Cessna 150s and 152s to one of the best annual aviation events in the country.
Put them together and you have the Cessna 150-152 Fly-In Foundation.
In 2009 The Cessna 150-152 Fly-In Foundation was formed for the sole purpose of planning, organizing, and running the annual Cessna 150-152 Fly-In when it became a bit too much for the Club owner to handle effectively. From 2009 through 2019 the Foundation and the Club were completely separate entities.
In 2019 the Foundation and the Club became one when the Foundation purchased the Cessna 150-152 Club. Now the Foundation manages the day-to-day operation of the Club and plans and runs the annual Fly-In.
Foundation Officers

Kirk Wennerstrom
1,700 hour Private Pilot, with 1,000 of those in a 150. A former 150 owner, he now owns a Cardinal. But he flys that Cardinal to the Confab every year.

Peter Benway
Vice President
Entrepreneur with a fascination of flying recently decided to see what the fuss was about and has fallen in love. Bought his first airplane in 2021 a 1959 150 with 1 hour of flight time under his belt and then restored it!

Joseph Folsom
He’s a CPA and pilot. He flies a 1970 Aerobat that his daughter named “Mr. Ghost.” Joseph says his airplane provides an escape from reality.

Mark Buchner
Director of Operations
A retired USAF MSgt and retired 767 Captain. He’s been flying his whole life and has owned his ’74 Cessna 150L for 20 years.
Board of Directors
George Jameson
A 700-hour Private Pilot, with over 500 of those in his 152. Based in Central Massachusetts, he speaks with a funny accent and is a proud member of the East Coast Outkast.

John Trolinger
A 1,500-hour private pilot and owner of a 150L. John enjoys aviation, radio, and electronics and combines these when flying his airplane.

Ron Stewart
Took his first flight at age 7, started flying lessons at 19, and now has 1,700 hours in his 152. Ron has been to every Confab since 2006.

Membership in the Cessna 150-152 Fly-In Foundation (the “Foundation”) is available to anyone interested in the Cessna 150, The Cessna 152, and/or the Cessna 150-152 Fly-In. Individuals become members by attending a Cessna 150-152 Fly-In or joining the Cessna 150-152 Club.
Membership is Active or Inactive based on the member’s status:
- Active Membership
- Fly-In Members are active with the attendance at the most recent Cessna 150-152 Fly-In, and remain so until the start of the next Cessna 150-152 Fly-In.
- Club Members are active as long as their club Membership is in effect.
- Inactive Membership
- Fly-In Members become inactive if they have not attended the most recent Fly-In.
- Club Member’s become inactive if their membership is not renewed.