
In January 1981 club owner Skip Carden initiated the club newsletter. He named it the Cessna 150-152 News and published it monthly through December 1999.

In January 2000 Royson Parsons took over as club owner and became the newsletter editor/publisher. The newsletter changed to a bi-monthly publication. Royson published 3 editions of the Cessna 150-152 News, then changed the name to the Cessna 150-152 Pilot. He continued the Pilot’s bi-monthly run through December 2010.

Dan Meler took over as club owner and publisher of the Pilot in January 2011. He continued the bi-monthly publication of the Pilot through December 2019.

In 2019 the Cessna 150-152 Fly-In Foundation purchased the Club and Ed Figuli took over as the newsletter editor. The club rebranded the newsletter as The Beacon, and it became a quarterly publication. Publicaton of the Beacon ended in the Fall of 2021.

All 231 editions of the Cessna 150-152 News, 110 editions of the Cessna 150-152 Pilot, and 10 editions of The Beacon are posted on the Forum for your perusal.