Cessna 150-152 Fly-In Foundation Raffle Rules

This is a Raffle – not a contest. 100% of the money raised goes to our U.S. based Foundation and will be used for operations of the Cessna 150-152 Club, the Cessna 150-152 Fly-In, and scholarships awarded by the Club. We are an all-volunteer, 501(C)(3), not-for-profit organization.

You must be 18 years of age or older to participate in this raffle.

This raffle is void where prohibited by law. It is not valid in any capacity if it is illegal where you live. You must verify that it is legal, not us, before you buy a Raffle Ticket. The Raffle is also not valid outside of the USA. Each Participant warrants to the Club, the Committee, and the Raffle Manager that they can accept their Raffle Ticket(s) via email and legally participate in the Raffle.

The Grand Prize is a 1972 Cessna 150L, S/N 15073450. The Grand Prize also includes $10,000 to assist the winner with payment of federal, state, or local taxes incurred by winning this airplane.


You can buy as many raffle tickets as you wish. Tickets are $65.00 each, or 3 for $175.00.

Every ticket will be issued with a discrete number assigned by the raffle program and that number is not repeated. If you buy more than one ticket, each ticket will have a different number. It is the Participant’s responsibility and duty to safeguard the unique number of their Raffle Ticket(s).

The actual ticket number will be emailed to the email address you provide. We are not responsible for any lost or misdirected email. If you do not receive your raffle tickets via email within 48 hours after purchase, then you should email us at webmaster@cessna150152club.org.

After 4,000 tickets are sold, no more tickets will be sold. Anyone that buys a ticket after all 4,000 tickets have been sold, will have their purchase fully refunded. We are not responsible if your purchase cannot be processed because we’ve already sold the last ticket.

The drawing will be held on July 1, 2025. The prize winner will be contacted by phone within 24 hours of the drawing. Follow-up contact will be made via e-mail and certified mail. The winner’s name and city will be posted on our website (cessna150152club.org) within 48 hours of the drawing.

The winner will be provided airfare or transportation to the 2025 Cessna 150-152 Fly-In at the Clinton Municipal Airport (KCWI) in Clinton, Iowa on July 15th to receive their prize. If winner is unable to travel to Clinton on that date, the airplane will be hangared at KCWI for 30 days, or delivered to the winner’s home airport, if that airport is in the continental United States, at the discretion of the winner. Upon delivery of the prize, responsibility for any risk or loss associated with the airplane, as well as any insurance, is the sole responsibility of the winner.

The prize can be transferred to anyone you wish, as long as they meet eligibility requirements listed above. There is no cash option – you win the prize – not actual cash.

Any taxes, licenses, and/or other fees or expenses are the sole responsibility of the winner. Appropriate reporting to the winner and IRS will be provided. The Club recommends Designated Prize Winners consult with their tax advisor before they accept any prizes.  All Prize Winners are responsible for all fees, taxes, or expenses involved with their prize(s). Prize Winners are required to cooperate with the Raffle Committee on the withholding of income taxes according to the IRS and OTC requirements in effect when a Designated Prize Winner is selected.

All Designated Prize Winners must agree to the unrestricted use of their name, image, or other information to promote the Raffle, the Club, and Club activities, except where prohibited by law.  A Designated Prize Winner shall not be eligible for additional compensation for the use of the information.  If a Designated Prize Winner cannot agree to the use of the information, the Designated Prize Winner shall forfeit their claim to the prize without refund or further compensation.

To receive the prize, the winner must complete all documents including FAA Aircraft Registration Application, IRS Form W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification, IRS Affidavit and Release, and other documents required to take possession of the prize. The winner must sign a hold harmless contract, publicity, media, and photo releases, etc.

Should the winner decline to accept the airplane, or if the winner cannot be located through contact information provided, another ticket will be selected randomly until a winning ticket holder takes possession of the aircraft.

These raffle terms and conditions are subject to the interpretation of the Cessna 150-152 Fly-In Foundation Board of Directors. THIS RAFFLE IS NOT VALID OUTSIDE THE USA AND OTHERWISE VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. The raffle is open to the public. However, Officers and members of the Board of Directors of the Cessna 150-152 Fly-In Foundation and their immediate families are excluded from participation.